Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Cheddarback Month 4

I finished up June's blocks fairly quickly.

Cheddarback BOM
Also, I embroidered in some lines to the basket block from last month.  It's still not optimal, but at least the basket fabric doesn't totally get lost in the background fabric.

I don't think I chose correctly for the 12" block this month.  I should have put in a different fabric for the center since the plaids don't line up right.  It bothers me, but not enough to take out that square.  I will live with it!

I changed the pattern for the bow tie block to make it easier.  I really didn't want to handpiece that center portion.  For the starburst block, I paper pieced instead of using the templates.  I think a lot of people had issues with that block in trying to get the points in the center to line up.  I don't think they matched perfectly in the original quilt either.  I did rip and resew a couple of times to get it close.

For the last 5" block, I decided that I DID want to work on my set in seams :)  I was mostly successful :)
Cheddarback BOM

Cheddarback BOM

There is one more 12" and 4 5" blocks left to go for this row, and then under that is a row of 5" blocks.  The length will outgrow my wall after July!


  1. Nice blocks on your wall! Great to see you're stitching.

  2. The blocks are great! I do think the stitching on the basket block really makes it show up better now. I tend to find methods that work better for me when I am working on blocks like this. Good for you!

  3. Your blocks for this month look great, especially Block 19, that really hard one with 8 points. Well done. Really, all of your blocks look great! Are you part of the Facebook group for this quilt-along? I found your blog when searching google images for "Cheddarback."
