I decided to add our initials at the bottom in a freeform manner--not perfect, but that's ok. I was going to put just MD2020 for me, but as I got to the M I realized that MD2020 could be akin to MadDog 2020! haha!! Ok, so for this year, I will have make sure to add my middle initial for projects :)

So my news is that I started a new job, which is the reason I wanted to learn to needlepoint. I am currently working at The Needlepointer in Edmonds, WA... the only needlepoint centric shop in Washington. There is one other shop in Issaquah, but they also have a cross stitch mix. I brought home a 13 mesh canvas this week and omgoodness... my eyes. My mom's canvas is 10 per inch and at times my eyes would flutter, but the the 13 is really hard on them even with glasses on. So far at the shop I haven't had to give advice, as I focus on mainly internet sales as well as ringing out customers, but I am concerned I can't add my own experience because I am having eye issues. I know I need to get my eyes checked again and likely new glasses, but I want to know everything about this craft to give the best advice. BTW, the threads in the shop compared to the ones that my mom used (likely wool blend) are SOOO wonderful and soft! I am practicing with a silk wool blend and it is heaven.
That said... I have an interview next Friday at a local quilt shop. I love the people at the needlepoint shop, and the environment. I am also learning a lot. We'll see what happens.
Wow great job on getting all the stitching done! You need one of those magnifiers that go around your neck! What a treasure to finish this.