I joined the Teal Mini Swap (https://evapaigequilts.com/pages/teal-mini-swap) again for this year. It is an ovarian cancer fundraiser that runs in September (Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month). The fabric is Art Gallery Fabrics Woodblock Splendid-1109.

I decided to buy a little extra of the focus fabric since participants receive so little... I needed room for error. I still have a little left, but I was able to create three different quilts out of a half yard.

I liked the design and wondered what it would be like in a larger quilt, but honestly I was tired of the fabric. I think I was needing more "scrappy" teals vs a single teal. My partner noted that she liked brights, so I thought about sending her the Kaffe magenta, but then I noticed I had a block turned in the final as I was quilting! My second quilt that matched the original also has a turned block AND a drop of sewing machine oil on it. I had to take apart my Juki when the knee lift lever wasn't working. Thankfully these machines are so easy to work on, a screw just needed to be tightened with an allen wrench so the levers would meet.

And then my original blocks had a too-busy background. So now I have a few orphan blocks and no thoughts on what to do with. Into the orphan block box they went. Someday they'll find a quilt needing them! I made three individual quilts, the two I kept will find a person in the future for a "just because" gift. Anyone?

Here is the quilt that I mailed off. I also made a pouch out of one of the blocks:

And here is the beautiful quilt that I received:

It has been a couple of months since receiving, and I am still enjoying it on my design wall. It is a cheerful little quilt.
Very cute minis. Teal os a fun color to play with. Congrats on a successful swap.