I get to the point that I don't even want to look at another hexagon, so this project sits (beside my chair!) for years until I decide to pick it back up again.
I only have four rows left to sew, hopefully this will be the year that it falls off the UFO list. Here is the last photo I took of the progress, July 1, 2016:

I didn't sew anything in regards to this project for nearly 2yrs. On the pink piece of paper I tried to figure how many more I needed. Right now I have 366, but I only needed 352. I am undecided if I want to grow this quilt beyond the current plan so I am keeping that as an option. I was considering a scrappy colored ring around the grey. But considering this quilt project is 17yrs old, I may just be happy with a single grey edge.
I am really glad I took a picture of my blocks laid out, and then clipped together/numbered the flower blocks when I finally decided on the layout. That cut down on any future confusion I would have had :)
Flickr is driving me crazy today. First it wouldn't upload my box of hexies, now it is uploading it multiple times from my phone. I've already deleted 8 copies of the image, hopefully it will stop. Happy Monday!