
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Christmas Sewing

I wanted to share a few projects that I recently finished up just in time for Christmas.  I have shared these on my Instagram, but I am not super active over there.  HOWEVER.... I do scan a couple of times a week and I came across Larissa Holland, a designer who makes absolutely adorable wool projects.  The one that grabbed me was the Santa and Mrs Claus that are a part of her T'was the Night series that she will be adding to each year.  Santa was this year, Mrs Claus will be written up for next year.  I had to check out her etsy and I found some of the cutest wool ornament patterns.


But then... I happened onto Wee Mouse Tin House.  So cute!  I decided to purchase the pattern and sew up a little mouse for my granddaughter.  I hope she thinks it's as cute as I do.
 I first attempted to make the teddy bear with flannel that I had on hand, but it raveled way too much due to the bear being so small.  There is really not a lot of room for error.  The next day I found some wool and sewed it up.  Oh! And that quilt for the mouse's bed?  A few years ago I made a sheet of 1/2" half square triangles by mistake and set them aside in my spare HST box.  I decided to use them for the quilt and I love how it turned out.


The other projects I finished up after about three years of starting and stopping are Primitive Gatherings Yuletide Ornies.

The red truck with a tree in the back is so classic, and I can understand why so many people love to use this design.  A few years ago I made a wreath using a red truck in the center that I hang on our front door.  Though snowmen will always be my most favorite, I think this could be a close second for me to decorate with.


Santa was the last ornament to finish because I needed a flat head pin to fuse wool to for the top of the tree.  I finally ended up with a pack in one of my Quilty Boxes one month, so I set them aside--and then they were misplaced for a few months!  I know, it would have been easier to simply just buy some at the time, but I was trying to figure out another method first (so Santa was set aside for a long time!).  I love how he turned out, but I do wish I could have found a cute stick for the tree instead of a dowel, but it worked.  It would be easy to change it out if I ever feel more strongly about it down the road.


And the snowman.  He's pretty cute too.

This will likely be it for my big sewing for 2019.  I have started and finished a few other projects, one of which was Bonnie Hunter's Punkin' Patch table runner.  I started it during a weekend away in Spokane during the WSQ quilt show this year.  I love getting together with friends to sew, it stirs the creative juices so much more for me.  I wish I could do a sewing retreat once a month for this reason alone.  I am still working on my Dear Daughter BOM, and perhaps I will blog again with my updated "chapters".  I am collecting clues for Bonnie Hunter's mystery, Frolic, but right now I am not jumping in.  I have so many projects going on at once, that my focus is faltering!  Plus I think I may want to change the colors, so I am waiting to see the finale :)  I have changed colors in past mysteries and really disliked the outcome, so in the meantime I am enjoying see the progress of others.

Happy holidays!

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