
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Completed Project, memory quilts

Both measure around 51x77.

Memory Quilts

It will be three years come November 26th that one of my husband's brothers passed away.  He was only 42 at the time of his passing and completely unexpected.  He left behind a daughter and son--his daughter started her first year of college this month and his son started high school this school year.  They always hold their memories of their dad nearby.  I offered to make memory quilts a couple of months following his passing, but with personal items it is so hard to let go even when they know what it is for and would return.  Grief has no limits.  I did receive boxes with sorted shirts this summer, and this week  I finished the project.

Memory Quilts

I wish they were perfect, I always have issues with some stretching even though the shirts were interfaced.  There are a few puckers on the back.  These are the times that I wish I had a longarm, but I will just continue to do my best.

Memory Quilts

I held back to shirts to make into pillows so that they could have that hug or shoulder to rest on.  I hope they like their quilts and pillows, I will be getting them in the mail in the next week.


  1. Wonderful Keepsakes for them. You are sweet to do it for them.

  2. Grief has no limits. Truer words were never spoken. They will cherish these quilts and love and cry on the pillows. I imagine this was a difficult project for you too. All the love and memories at your hands. Sending hugs with tears in my eyes,
