Thursday, March 19, 2015

February QM Bitty Blocks

Wow!  It's been a while.  Between life in general and a recurrence of illness, the last thing I have really wanted to do was.... anything.  It's been rough!  And I know a lot of people have had this same thing.  I think I am almost done shaking off the coughing and sinus infection, but now we are rounding into allergy season so telling the difference between the two isn't so easy--but I am feeling much better.  Hot water with lemon and honey is so soothing!  I am still drinking it daily but I need to cut back on it and just do straight water.  But it really helps when that tickle in the throat occurs.

Today I played catch up on my Bitty Blocks.  I already had all my half square triangles made, I just hadn't sewn any full blocks yet.  Today I decided to give the featherweight a go....

February QM Bitty Blocks

and now I have ten blocks finished (still had two on the machine as I was taking pics):

February QM Bitty Blocks

The little 4" blocks are very cute I will admit.  Now I wonder if I can get March's blocks finished before the 31st.  Since that one is an easier one, I may, plus now that I am feeling much better I have the desire to do something other than nothing :)


  1. Itty Tiny Blocks! I like them in the Blues. You have 1 more week in March. Good Luck with getting them done.

  2. Love! I've been printing off the patterns cuz I'm determined to make some....! I adore working small. In the meantime I'll continue to ohhh and ahhh over yours. :)
