She came into our home on December 26, 2003. She departed our earthly home on September 13, 2014. Gracie would have been 11yrs old on October 23rd but her poor body started growing intestinal cancer. She had been throwing up hairballs and some food, but honestly with cats that is to be expected (though the frequency had grown over the spring/summer). When she stopped eating and drinking, we knew it was time. Her last few days were painful to watch, but she never stopped purring for family that loved on her.
She seemed to perk up a bit last week, but she needed to be checked out, Gracie just did not look like she felt well. Then the vet found a lumpy mass in a place that I wouldn't have found.
Gracie as a kitten and again in 2007 when we brought Darrin home.

And checking out the new puppy in November 2011 (likely telling Dad that dogs belong on the floor!)
I brought Gracie home just two months after my mom died, and two months after having to put down one of my other cats due to her body shutting down. We never were able to get answers as to what happened to that kitty, but that was a rough year (especially since the year prior to that, my dad passed away). I lost my Bonnie dog three years ago to Hemangiosarcoma (we had the lumps removed twice until it affected her too much). Before Bonnie was Bose our black lab who died from just old age about a year before Bonnie passed. I feel like we've had to say so many goodbyes to family members over the past 12yrs, that my heart just hurts. It is all a part of life, but it is never easy. Three parents, a last living grandparent, two uncles, and five loved pets. Enough already.
So I am saying goodbye to my lap warmer, my quilting friend, my fly and spider chaser, my companion. She rarely hissed--maybe once (hard to believe! but typical with Ragdolls), she always greeted people and wanted to know what was going on. Gracie always had a purr for you, and endured a puppy and kids with a lot of joy. She was very loving and lived to be with everyone in the middle of whatever was going on.

Good bye sweet girl.