I admit that when I first read about the Quilt A Long for Mod Olives, I wasn't too excited about it and hadn't planned to make it. However, that changed when I saw the quilting that Jenny did--it was gorgeous and I believe the quilting REALLY made this pattern great. Not the greatest photo, but here goes:

A few detail pics. I really enjoyed quilting this one:

The backing is a pink flannel chevron print. Soft and cozy.
The quilt above was made using a second set of blocks. I wasn't happy with how I wasn't able to square them up very well, so I decided to try again and added a half inch to the cutting directions for the black and black/white prints. That was all it took to get them pretty close to perfect.
Because I had my first set of blocks still, I decided to put those into an alternate pattern. Excuse the iPhone picture:

I think I like the layout on the alternate quilt top above the best, but the reason I decided to go with the circular (olive) layout for the baby quilt was because I already had the quilting design in my mind. I am not sure how this second one will go, but I really like the design I found that this layout was great and the imperfections aren't glaring at me.
And this breaks a blogging hiatus! I wish I could also report a UFO finish, but I keep adding new projects to do for 2014 instead.