Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Made it through March!

Whew... so far the first quarter of the year has flown by.  We've spent 2/3's of it being sick or getting over being sick, another part in California when Kevin's dad passed away, and now it looks like the calendar for April is pretty packed with appointments and whatnots as well.  Hopefully no illness or funerals.

I am looking forward to seeing what QM's Bitty Block pattern will be for April too!  I'm hoping it will be divulged tomorrow :)

I have been trying so hard to work on my hexagons.  I am really close to being finished with my 75 flower blocks, only 7.5 to go.  I have been working on them more in the evenings, but my eyes aren't what they once were I am finding.  I've never needed glasses before, but I do have reading glasses that probably need to be upgraded (I think I got that prescription 5 yrs ago).
Only 7.5 more to go!

When Kevin and Daniel got home on Sunday from camping, it was time to celebrate my birthday. We didn't have anything really planned, it was a laid back day that involved mattress window shopping :) Doesn't everyone do that for their birthday? We did pick up a carrot cake (my favorite!) and Kevin even added some decorations:
birthdays.... Birthdays....

Poor Mr Loki is having his "operation" next Thursday.  I'm hoping he'll mellow out even more, but I'm thinking I shouldn't count on it.  Yesterday I was in the living room when I heard something fall on the ground in the kitchen.  I was imagining the roses Kevin bought me for my birthday on the ground and water all over...  oh no, not that... instead he knocked over a planter that had three cactus in it.  That was not fun.

So I tried shooing him out the kitchen twice, and he still came back.  The cat does not scare off at all!  After sweeping up the soil, this was the pose I found him in:

Both back legs were straight out on either side of his tail like this, Superman pose! ugh. And that look on his face too: "That looks like fun to race in Mom! Just leave the dirt!"  He is a pretty funny cat, somewhat mellow, does not scare at all, and will give you a look like "what the heck?" if you squirt him to get off tables.  I've never had a cat quite like him, he definitely fits right in.  He's not quite 6 months old yet, and he is already a big kitty.  I'm looking forward to seeing how much he weighs next week--he's not a light cat!

I'm thinking this ends the potpourri post to end March.  I'm hoping I'll have stuff to blog about that is interesting as the next month moves forward :) I've noticed my goal of finishing one UFO a month hasn't been happening, maybe this will be a notice to myself to get busy on that goal.  Finished quilts, regardless of perfection are always best!  Time to get to it.

1 comment:

  1. Loki is funny! Poor kitty on the operation but I hope it helps. I think it made my cat weirder! :) I am so far behind on the itty bitty blocks!! I won't be sewing much for the next week and a half with two grandkids here!
