I love reds.... and I love spinning the seams so that will nest properly when it all goes together.

I need to sort through some current scrappy strips from Madame Rouge to finish up with the four patches:

I haven't decided yet if I will just do a half-quilt or the full mystery quilt. At least four patches can be used in anything so they won't go to waste.
The day after Thanksgiving is always the Boy Scouts tree lot setup day, and usually I put our tree up on that day. I haven't done that yet this year, perhaps next week. Before Kevin left, he showed me a fleece beanie cap that he had bought for Darrin and himself (but Daniel ended up claiming one leaving Dad with none) and asked if this would be an easy item to make. I put aside my first mystery clue sew to play with a beanie pattern. It was pretty easy to make and then I learned how to do a blind hem stitch on my serger. I had to play around with it so I had the fabrics going the right way for the hem, but what a great feature. I think it is also called a flatlock stitch, but in the fleece that is hard to tell.
Here is the sewing I started the weekend with (Madame Rouge in the background):

I ended up sewing the troop patch onto the grey beanie. I wore the pink one for our tree lot shift last night and it was warm enough. I may choose a thicker fleece beanie for our next shift in two weekends.
This coming Wednesday is Darrin's first band concert and I had totally forgotten about finding a white shirt, black pants and shoes! I decided to try out the thrift shop first and we lucked out! The pants will only be good for this year (length), but the shirt and shoes should be able to see a couple of years of concerts. If I had hit the shop on 1/2 price day, the cost would have been even better but I'm not complaining about $23 for these items.

Daniel was thrilled to find a guitar with an American flag on it :) We also did our annual ornament hunt at the Hallmark shop. Our local shop was suppose to close, but they were able to renegotiate the lease. I am really glad because I'm not sure where the next closest one is. Our original shop that we started our tradition with closed down when Darrin was 3, so we've been going to this one for the past 8yrs.
It's been a full weekend!
Link up day!