Ocean waves quilt called Woodwinds by Stitchin' Post. I purchased the fabric kit in 2003, finally started putting blocks together in 2013, basted and ready to quilt shortly after... but quilting was finally finished in 2015. 12yrs. Sigh. I know I have older UFO's, but it was basted so there was no excuse. Next up is my Orca Bay. I have already started it, but I need to decide if I want to stick with my thread choice before I continue (I have one block done, I haven't decided if I like it or not).
So at this point I am working on the binding, and I am about halfway done. I laid it out on the floor, and bam! The Quilt Inspector came from the other room..... immediately! How do they know?

I'm going to update this one as done.
Previous post about this project: http://melissadevin.blogspot.com/2014/08/old-post-7312013-finished-quilt-top.html