
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

New Clothing Finishes

I don't have a lot to report on the quilting front (or, I think I forget where I am putting my in-progress pics!), but I wanted to post three recent apparel finishes.  Well, except I still need to hem my patriotic top....

First is Rhapsody by Love Notions.  This top fits well and is meant for light wovens.  Because I didn't want to use quilting cottons (woven that I have on hand), I decided to pick a more flowy knit (an ITY which was a little slippery).  I like the fit, but I prefer longer sleeves.

Next is Mama Blair by Made for Mermaids.  This is one of my favorite patterns, this is one of three that I currently go to.  The blue fabric doesn't have a lot of stretch, but it will be good for the 4th of July.
Mama Blair

Today I made the Park City Pullover from Peek-a-Boo  I slayed the zipper like an advanced beginner! :)  Actually, it wasn't too hard but the pictures in the pattern aren't easy to see in order for me to figure out what they were wanting.  Thankfully I have experience with zippers with bags, so I understood the process when it seems like everything is backwards.  The rest of the pullover was easy!  This one fits Kevin well, but I am going to upsize the sleeves a little for him.  What I am looking forward to is trying this pattern in a waffle knit like LL Bean's tops.  I'm thinking Christmas might be good to Kev this year!  Now if I could just get a little more brave and try out button down shirts.
Park City Pullover

I may even make myself one!

I need to make a retreat post about the last two retreats I went on (one in May and the other this past weekend).  Perhaps in the next couple of days.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Eagle Quilt: Process pt 3

I think it's part three anyway :)  I have one more border round I want to do, and then it will be time to quilt.  I hadn't planned on making this a square quilt, but with the final border that I am considering, it comes out to 90" square and that is large enough.  I'm not sure how I add to the top and bottom only, but I will likely play with that a bit tonight just to see.  I've included an EQ mock up, but I am not very good at using that program.  My corners on the final round aren't exactly what I want, but it's the general idea (need to change around the four patches if I do this).  At this point I can't really cover up the quilt top on my wall very well, my Straits of Mackinac top isn't wide enough.  This weekend while the guys are off camping, I am planning to do some blanket stitch on the rest of the eagle.  I needle turn appliqued the body, but fused the feather portions and feet.  I thought about just waiting until I quilt, but I want to be sure it doesn't come off.

Eagle Quilt

I still had some fabric from the old Boy Scouts line (can't remember who did that run), and I was able to get all rank badges except the first rank.  It made a nice filler for these spots.
Eagle Quilt

I am not good at using EQ at all... but this is generally what I have in mind.  I use this star a lot in my projects, I really like the angles.

That's the update.  Hopefully I'll have more than a top when Daniel finally reaches Eagle :)

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Eagle Quilt: Process

Now that I have the center medallion finished, I needed to surround it with the background fabric to square it.  I'm not sure yet what the center size will be, it will depend on my next steps in construction.

finding my quarter sections was simple with the number of wedges used for the pattern:
One large quarter

I had to use two layers of freezer paper to cover the entire quarter. I traced along the edge and then added a quarter seam:
Tracing 1/4" seam allowance

And here we go with trepidation I cut two layers at a time.  I matched the two ends of the yardage so that one side would have the words upside down.  I turned the template and cut two more sections in the same method.
The largest Drunkards Path template I've ever made...

After making sure the words on the background fabric were all going the same direction, I sewed the background together at the ends and then pinned it to the center.
Placing the background fabric in the right position so the words are going the correct direction

All together.  Now to figure out what size the center will be

The fabric isn't quite "smoothed" yet on my wall, but I can tell I may have to do something to the bottom near the tail to ensure no waves.  I'm thinking I may unpick and resew.

Currently it is over 64" square, but I will be trimming it back quite a bit (probably close to the sides/top/bottom of the center.  I'm not set yet what I will be adding around this medallion, but I have some block ideas in mind.  I've been pinning a few ideas on pinterest since I started planning this quilt last summer.

I am thrilled with how the center has turned out!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Boy Scouts Eagle Quilt

Yesterday I finally started on an eagle quilt that I have been planning since October (when I found the pattern I wanted to do to mark one son's Eagle rank earned).  He still has a project and two partial merit badges to finish up, so I have time.  I just uploaded one image to Instagram and I came across another with red/white/blue fabrics used, and it looks awesome:  Had I seen this first, I might have changed my mind on fabrics!

I began with labeling my fabrics. I took a swatch of each then glued and labeled on a card so I wouldn't confuse myself sewing the strips.  The background fabric has the scout oath on it, so as a directional fabric I had to be careful and be sure I was sewing that strip in the same direction.

Loving the tail!

And this is as far as I finished last night before my son came home from youth group:

One more section:

And voila! I am finished for today since the schools have early release day today, so it's all covered up and I can now consider how to attach fabric to this circle to make it into a rectangular quilt.
I am currently going for a queen sized quilt--or maybe slightly smaller full-size. I have some ideas in mind to add to it as well. One funny thing today, I sent the hubby a picture of the progress and I told him I was considering putting my picture where the eagle's body/head will be appliqued :) It would be a funny photoshop regardless.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Humble Quilts Doll Quilt Exchange

I received the cutest doll quilt from the Humble Quilts exchange over the weekend from Stephanie Hanson in Texas:

Humble Quilts, Doll Quilt Exchange

Those tiny triangles are so cute!

Humble Quilts, Doll Quilt Exchange

I haven't decided yet where I will display it, but I sure do love looking at it!

Link to the quilt I made:
2017 Humble Quilt Swap


Monday, April 24, 2017

Graduation/Memory Quilt, Pink Lemonade Finishes

I finished up a few projects over the weekend, here is one.

Graduation quilt

I am going to try and ignore that now (literally "now"! after downloading photos) when I look at the picture, I think I put the rabbit applique in the wrong location.  It's too late now, it's been mailed off... Why is it that I have a hard time seeing things until I look at photos?  Why can't I see the placement without having to do that.  ugh!  The good part is that it can be removed since I put it on after the top was together.  It might take a little time to remove it, but it's up to my niece.

On a note about sewing baby clothing into a memory quilt, I don't plan on doing that again.  Yes, I have seen some very cute ones, but after several needle breaks, I'm going to decline those.

Graduation quilt

My next finish was a new quilt for my grand daughter.  After making the "Pink Lemonade" pattern that came in a Quilty Box, I knew this was what I would be giving to her.  I amazed myself by sewing the binding down in one day (usually I give myself 3-4 days).  I am not very good at machine sewing the binding, so that was out.

Pink Lemonade

Anyway... with so many irons in the fire, I have been feeling paralyzed.  I hate that feeling of being so overwhelmed.  My next project I must finish is Daniel's Boy Scout Eagle quilt.  I already have the pattern, and though there is time, this is something that is going to sneak up on me if I'm not careful.  He thinks he'll reach Eagle by June, but I think that's pushing it.

I can't get over the applique placement I did, I'm really upset with myself.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Humble Quilt Swap 2017 pt2

Outside pictures... I guess that pink in the patches just doesn't want to play well for the camera. It looks a lot like my indoor shot from last night.

2017 Humble Quilt Swap

But the backing looks the most consistent in the outside shot:

2017 Humble Quilt Swap

Friday, April 7, 2017

2017 Humble Quilts Swap

I finished up my little quilt tonight to send out to its recipient.  I had this one in mind for the last two swaps, but never finished more than 6 diamonds.  I decided to go ahead and use the hexies this year--what good are they just sitting in my folder anyway?  I thought about a different layout, but decided on this one.  The pink in the patches is actually darker, but I couldn't get the colors correct with the photo.

2017 Humble Quits Swap

I love the backing fabric. The picture doesn't do it justice.

2017 Humble Quits Swap

This one is heading out of the country next week! I hope the recipient likes it, it is definitely a humble quilt with many goofs along with wiggles in the quilting... uffda.  I am a bit rusty with the freemotion.

Updated: I followed up with some outdoor shots the following day, which didn't seem to help overall with getting the colors right:

Update 2: This is the adorable quilt I received:

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Apparel Sewing

I am having fun using my serger and trying out different clothing patterns.  I love just about anything from Patterns for Pirates or Made for Mermaids, and there are a few from craftsy that I have purchased but haven't tried yet.  This morning after reading about Judy D's new overlock machine, and then following over Judy L's page (this was the post that made me purchase the following pattern...), I decided to take the plunge and buy the Laundry Day Tee.  As you can see by all the links, there is a lot of enabling going on--even if Judy L didn't know it :) If I were being honest, I would say that Judy D is the reason I decided to get back into sewing clothing again (and being tired of being disappointed with retail fit not fitting right--along with short-short sleeves).

Over the last month I have sewn up several Mama Blair tops, three SOS knit pants (trying to get the fit I want with the straight leg version) and now a Laundry Day Tee.  I have purchased several tee patterns from PFP, but haven't made them up yet.  I hesitated buying the laundry day one because they seem so similar.
Laundry Day Tee
My response??  I LOVE this top!  I started off with tunic length, but that doesn't look good for my body (maybe when I am skinny).  After sewing it up, I cut it down to the shirt length--which is what I am used to in a "tunic" size (that can be so subjective).  It was a quick and easy sew, from point of purchase to being finished, it only took me about 2-3 hours at the most.

Our upstairs has the only full length mirror.  I really need to clean it!  With two boys at home, who knows what's on it!

Laundry Day Tee
The fabric from's site without the yellowness that our upstairs has.  The fabric is called Bolt By Girl Charlee Pure Vintage jersey knit feathers, it's a nice cotton jersey.

Over the next couple of weeks I need to go through my closet and do an honest purge.  Some things I am not going to fit into and others I won't want to wear if I did fit back into them.  I believe I have had a fear of not having clothes for if I did lose weight, so I hold on to them.  It's time to let go and be happy I can achieve good fits on my own (now if Kohls would have boot cut yoga pants from Sonoma back on their racks, I would buy many pairs... I love that fit).

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Straits of Mackinac Update

The last few days I have been slowly making progress towards a finish on this quilt.  Originally I was thinking I could be done in time and have something to enter into the fair this summer, but right now I'm not so sure.  All those points to match, what was I thinking?    I'm sure it would be a great entry, but I already know there are a few that did not line up--mostly with the peaky angles to the square in square blocks.  I hate it when they are off.

Here are most of the blue fabrics that I used in the quilt. I did have a few others that I used in the other parts:
Straits of Mackinac Seeing that I have two empty spots in my rows, I think I lost one grouping somewhere. I have looked all over, but haven't found those HSTs yet. I did have to make 16 more. (ha! I just counted the rows in this picture, sure enough I should have had 27 groups... at this point I hadn't used up all of one group yet).

All ready to sew into the blocks:
Straits of Mackinac

Straits of Mackinac

I took this photo with my phone... so out of focus!  I didn't realize how out of focus it was until I emailed it to myself to put into my photos on my computer.
Straits of Mackinac
I have 14 more blocks to make.

I will need to make its own post on this, but I have gotten back into sewing clothing again.  Over the years I have played with the notion of getting a serger, Kevin told me to go for it a couple of weeks ago...
A new toy!

After initially being nervous over using it, I enjoy it a lot.  I still don't quite know where to place my fabrics (or where I SHOULD be), and I definitely don't know all the different things I can do with it, but I have made two tops with it already with the initial settings.... and I love it!

And, full disclosure, I got back to my Mackinac quilt because I had parts laying on a couple of tables that I didn't want to lose while sewing tops :)  So now I put myself on notice: no clothing sewing until I finish up at least the quilt top.  Almost there! :)

Sunday, March 5, 2017

2017 Cub Scout Blue and Gold

Last night was my youngest son's Blue and Gold banquet.  We are now starting our final year in cubscouts, it seems like we've been in it forever (reality, it's only been I think 8yrs now... but that is forever in "corralling cats" terms).  If he decides to cross over to boy scouts next March and not early, then I will have both sons in boy scouts at the same time for one month until my oldest ages out.  Since hubby is now scoutmaster, he is already trying to get a camping trip with both boys present arranged for next March :)
My scout caught off guard :)

Our den was in charge of putting on the show this year, and we had fun with a pirate theme.  It was the theme of our pinewood derby, so we decided to run with it.  I found out a few weeks ago that the summer camp they attend is also having a pirate theme this this year.... it's a pirate-y year I guess!

It was a little difficult to figure out what to do for food and entertainment.  We originally had The Pirates of The Puget Sound hopefully lined up, but they apparently lost their insurance.  They would have been perfect.  We called around to many, many different entertainers and we went with Xakary the Magician.  Though he came last year, his show this year was different and just as fun as last year's production.
Finished with Dinner, enjoying the show

Then the food.  Wow!  Prices for catering seem to have increased quite a bit.  We checked out everything from last year's restaurant, to food trucks, and other places we haven't tried yet.  First of all, the Blue and Gold is a birthday party for cub scouts, not fine dining.  I think over the years peoples' expectations have grown, but we dialed it back this year so that we could keep the food cost closer to the $5-8 per person rate.  Well, $5 is out.  We hit closer to the $8 price, but it's hard to go much over that for an event that needs to be as close to revenue neutral as possible.  We ask for a $5/person or $20/family donation to defray the cost, and then the cake auction helps further (decorations, drinks, serviceware, dessert cake, program printing, as well as the meal are the costs).  For the main meal we went with a place called Potbelly.  They do warm sandwiches and though the price seemed to keep changing, our meal was excellent and the salads and all the fixings for the sandwiches were really good.  We supplemented with Pirate Booty and other chips, as well as grapes.  It is a sticker shock to plan for 200 people.  I know other cub packs do pot lucks, so the cost doesn't have to be way out of control.

I wasn't really sure how it would be received ("sandwiches?"), but over the last three years in a row, we've had Italian food.  People were looking for a change and last year we heard a few complaints.  So far this year I haven't heard anything negative.

For decorations, Kevin and I donated our art projects :) towards that.  We did get table coverings and some pirate coins that we saved receipts for, but I found these cool crates on Pinterest.  I sent Kevin a picture asking how hard it would be to make... and off to Home Depot we went.  Thankfully those supplies weren't too much (though, in all I think the 30 crates came to just under $100), and we had an assembly line going!  I made flags using some old fusible I needed to use up as well as fabric from my bolts I had on hand.  They turned out cute!

The programs were cute too!  The parents in charge of that even singed the edges.  Details!

Set up and ready to go

Set up and ready to go

We sent the crates and pirate booty found within (coins, beads, keys, flags) home to whomever wanted them.  I kept the candles though.  I raided a few thrift stores around town to supplement my own candlestick holder supply :)  The kids loved especially one brass candle stick holder that had a thumb hole in it like the old old OLDEN days.  I saw a few different kids walking around the room with it... I loved that! Though, secretly I was whispering in my head "please don't drop the candle"  :) The candles are LED, but they have this waxy resin that cracks with too much handling.  I have two that have it chipping off.

Set up and ready to go

The best part is that I did most of my shopping from Amazon.  I found a great deal on rolls of table coverings and bulk of 12/package of the round covers.   That was a better deal than the dollar store.  However, when I went back to buy more pirate coins, they raised the price by a couple of dollars per package.  I know amazon has their pricings change based on searches, so I am suspect that happened.  I'm not discussing how much I spent on candles, but I am set for any occasion now!

Tables for the cakes:
Set up and ready to go

Dessert Cakes:
Cake to celebrate the scouts crossing over

An awesome Dessert cake

Auction Cakes:
Auction Cakes

Auction Cakes

Auction Cakes

Auction Cakes

We had other cakes show up after I took pictures.  We even had cookies to bid on (which Kevin was one of the winning bids!).

The Auction Cake I made (thanks pinterest!).  A tasty carrot cake, no raisins:
My Auction Cake: Thanks Pinterest!

Food table along with cake table:
Set up and ready to go

Webelos 2 practicing to cross over:
Set up and ready to go

It seems like I've been working on this event forever, probably as long as it seemed to take you to scroll through!! LOL!  I am close to getting my house reorganized again so I can play with my new Juki MO-1000 serger.  That was an early birthday present from hubby.  I'm sure I will post about that one down the road.  Plus I need to finish putting together my Straits of Mackinac quilt.  Thanks for sticking with me.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Straits of Mackinac

Straits of Mackinac

I started my second quilt for 2017 :) I fell in love with the mock up that Bonnie Hunter had blogged about in November, and it has been on my mind ever since.  I pulled out blue strips from my bin and started sewing!  So far I have all the large triangle pieces needed, but now I need to figure out what I want to do for the background.

Straits of Mackinac

I was thinking about a neutral cream or white, but yellow is really calling to me.  I pulled the majority of my stashed yellows, and I think I do like it.  I know what my friend Mary is thinking about the yellows :)

I'm also trying to figure out Instagram.  When I upload a photo, I find that I have an option to also post to flickr (where I host my blog images).  However... I haven't seen it actually post to flickr yet.  I'm not sure what I am doing wrong with that.  Has anyone else had success with posting there?  I'm taking a break with facebook (the politics are draining me!) so I have decided to start using my instagram account.  I only started one years ago to see what my son was posting, but now I'd rather start seeing fun images so I think I am going to start going there instead of facebook.  Anyway, if you have any tips, please send them my way!