Sunday, August 28, 2016

Allietare Binding Time

For the next few days I will be working furiously (ok, maybe quicker than normal for me...) to finish up Allietare's binding.  I really want to finish it up before September hits!


I can't remember exactly what it was that spurred me on, but I decided on Friday night that I would do a spiral quilting pattern for this quilt.  I have been frozen over what to do since finishing and basting the quilt.  There is so much going on, but doing an all-over pattern isn't something I comfortable doing on my Juki (maybe on something smaller for practice).  Let me tell you... circles are not easy!  I first started off doing it free motion and trying to shove it in the arm of the machine, but after I ran out of my first bobbin I switched out feet.  It didn't really get "easy" until the final two bobbins (I used up 11!).  Now that I laid it out, I like it and I am glad I decided to do this instead waiting even longer to figure it out.

Loki in the center of the vortex... where else would he be?

As soon as I put it on my lap to sew the binding down, my buddy Loki is in my lap.  I don't think he's been feeling very well lately (very watery eyes), so it's nice that at least he's coming out to see me and lay on my lap tonight.  I'll take it.


This is what I will be doing for the next 3 days!  I can't believe September is so close, the summer has flown by.  And I have not even started working on my Gwennie-Inspired Medallion star round yet.... eeks.

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